OnClimate LLC is a woman-owned business offering strategic advisory and economic analysis services to governments responding to climate change.





Strategies on funding climate-related investments through a combination of private, tax-based, and government sources and partnerships. This includes developing the narrative to build support among policy makers and the public for climate-related investments.


Decision support for resilience strategies, including managing interdisciplinary workshops, scenario planning and development of implementation-based pathways.


Convening and coordination of intergovernmental efforts to respond to climate change across city departments or across multiple cities/agencies, including identifying opportunities for policy alignment.


Triple bottom line analysis of the environmental, social and economic benefits and costs of climate-related investments and programs, including development of decision-making tools and assessing value at risk.



Based in California, OnClimate’s U.S. clients include city governments and local agencies, and international clients include multilateral organizations and bilateral aid agencies.


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Alexis RoberT /

Principal & Founder

Alexis Robert is an expert in funding urban responses to climate change, with 17 years of experience advising on sustainable development policy and intergovernmental coordination. She has worked with local governments on strategies to implement and finance resilient and low-carbon infrastructure, including how to build support with the private sector and higher levels of government. Ms. Robert is also currently advising several international organizations on their programs to guide cities’ green investment plans from concept through to financing and implementation. Previously, Ms. Robert led programs on urban green growth at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.