Socio-economic Assessment of Value at Risk of Sea Level Rise
City of South San Francisco
Building on work started during the Bay Area Resilient by Design Challenge, leading the development of a model to calculate the value of property, economic activity, jobs and ecosystem services at risk of sea level rise in the City of South San Francisco, funded by the County of San Mateo. Findings will inform the update of the City of South San Francisco General Plan and the model will be made available through trainings to local governments throughout the County.
Stakeholder Assessment of Cities
Climate Finance Leadership
German Technical
Co-operation Agency (GIZ)
AND Climate Policy Initiative (CPI)
To inform the Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance reorganization under a new Secretariat, conducted 26 interviews with member organizations representing national governments, development finance institutions, private banks, and international climate policy organizations. Synthesized findings into a theory of change, including four potential pathways of action and a proposal and timeline for a sets of services to meet member priorities.
State of Climate Finance Concept Note
German Technical Co-operation Agency (GIZ) and Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance (CCFLA)
Conducted stakeholder interviews with representatives of multilateral and bilateral development finance institutions and climate policy organizations and performed desktop research to create concept note and terms of reference for the development of the 2019 State of Cities Climate Finance report.
Bay Area Resilient By Design
City of South San Francisco
Supported the Hassell+ design team in the Bay Area Resilient By Design Challenge “South City” project and led the implementation and funding plan. Proposed a package of traditional and innovative financing mechanisms to support the development of the team’s design and infrastructure proposals.
Tracking Climate Spending by State and Local Governments
OrganiZation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Using National Accounts Data, developed a methodology for quantifying and comparing trends in subnational government spending on climate-related investments in over 30 countries. Findings were released during the September 2018 Global Climate Action Summit.