OECD Environment Policy Paper No. 17, September 2019. Contributing author.
This paper focuses on how national and sub-national governments can align subnational financial flows to transition towards low-carbon, resilient and inclusive cities. Led analysis and write-up of subnational climate-related spending trends.
Coalition for Urban Transitions, Global Commission for Economy and Climate, December 2017. Co-author.
Through case studies and a synthesis report, analyzed how national and local sustainable housing policies link to transportation and land-use planning in a range of developed and developing countries. Identified relevant lessons for policy makers interested in reducing urban greenhouse gas emissions.
Towards Green Growth in Southeast Asia
OECD Publishing November 2014. Co-author.
Lead author of chapter on managing rapid urbanization. This report provides evidence that, with the right policies and institutions, Southeast Asia can pursue green growth and thus sustain the natural capital and environmental services, including a stable climate, on which prosperity depends.
New Climate Economy Cities Paper 1: "Cities and the New Climate Economy: the transformative role of global urban growth"
LSE Cities, London School of Economics and Political Science November 2014. Contributing author.
One of three background papers whose findings were synthesized in the Cities chapter of the New Climate Economy Report. This paper explores the potential of an urban development model that is compact, connected and coordinated to maximize the benefits of urban growth while minimizing the costs.
New Climate Economy Cities Paper 2: "Steering Urban Growth: Governance, Policy and Finance"
LSE Cities, London School of Economics and Political Science November 2014. Contributing author.
One of three background papers whose findings were synthesized in the Cities chapter of the New Climate Economy Report. This paper first examines the importance of coordinated governance to enable cities to respond to climate change. It then reviews the most promising policy tools for delivering compact, connected and coordinated urban growth.
"A national strategy for cities: Taking ownership of urban policy" chapter
OECD Regional Outlook 2014 Regions and Cities: Where Policies and People Meet October 2014. Co-author.
This chapter explores the need for national urban policy frameworks to achieve an evidence-based, whole-of-government approach to policies with an impact on urban development. It presents the elements to be considered in designing such a framework, as well as questions that can be used to assess the degree of policy coherence with respect to five areas: money, places, connectivity, people; and institutions.
"Integrating subnational action" chapter
Green Growth in Practice: Lessons from country experience, report of the Green Growth Best Practices initiative July 2014. Contributing author.
This chapter explores the question of how national green growth objectives can be achieved more effectively through enhanced and integrated subnational action.
Putting Green Growth at the Heart of Development
OECD Publishing June 2013. Co-author.
This book presents evidence that green growth is the only way to sustain long-term growth and development. Green growth values natural assets, essential to the well-being and livelihoods in developing countries, and with policies designed to respond to the needs of the poorest, green growth can contribute to poverty reduction and social equity.
Green Growth in Cities
OECD Publishing May 2013. Lead author.
Synthesizes six case studies of urban green growth policies, four at city level (Paris, Chicago, Stockholm, Kitakyushu) and two at the national level (China, Korea). Defines urban green growth and a framework for analyzing how it plays out across city-types. Provides guidance on addressing financing and governance challenges and offers a proposal for measuring city green.
Green Growth in Stockholm, Sweden
OECD Publishing May 2013. Lead author.
Studies green growth trends, challenges and opportunities in Stockholm, Sweden. Analyses socio-economic trends and environmental performance; reviews urban policies for land use, transport, buildings, waste, energy and water that contribute to economic growth and reduce environmental pressure. Assesses Stockholm’s green innovation potential in cleantech, ICT and university-to-business linkages; and examines local, regional and national institutions mechanisms that strengthen green growth governance.
"Urbanisation and Green Growth in China"
OECD Regional Development Working Papers May 2013. Editor/co-author.
Assesses national policy and governance mechanisms influencing green growth in Chinese cities.
OECD Urban Policy Reviews, Chile
OECD Publishing April 2013. Contributing author.
Examines the economic and socio-economic trends in Chile’s urban areas including population growth and mounting inequality; analyses four policy areas with significant implications for national urban programming: land-use and zoning, housing, public transport, and the environment. Examines approaches for revitalising the urban governance structure and mechanisms to reinforce strategic planning and service-delivery capacity.
OECD Territorial Reviews: The Chicago Tri-State Metropolitan Area
OECD Publishing August 2012. Co-author.
Assessed the region’s contribution to regional and national economic performance and quality of life and considers the state of region-wide institutional collaboration. Focuses on four policy issues: 1) effectiveness and coordination of workforce development programmes, 2) capacity for innovation, 3) role as a major centre for logistics in North America, and 4) green growth capacity.
"Cities and Green Growth: A Conceptual Framework"
OECD Regional Development Working Papers December 2011. Co-author.
Examines current knowledge about green growth in cities and outlines the key research questions and protocols that will guide the OECD Green Cities programme.
OECD Territorial Reviews: The Gauteng City-Region, South Africa
OECD Publishing November 2011. Contributing author.
Review economic development policy confronting economic inequality in Gauteng. Considers adequate housing as a catalyst of economic development and socioeconomic integration; transport mobility and public service delivery are examined in detail. Assesses the growth potential of manufacturing and green sectors, as well as governance issues, focusing on the potential of intergovernmental collaboration.
OECD Urban Policy Reviews, Poland
OECD Publishing May 2011. Contributing author.
Review of urban policy in Poland looks at the urban system and the challenges it faces, national policies for urban development, and adapting governance for a national urban policy agenda.
Cities and Climate Change
OECD Publishing November 2010. Co-author.
Reveals the importance of addressing climate change across all levels of government. Local involvement through "climate-conscious" urban planning and management can help achieve national climate goals and minimize trade-offs between environmental and economic priorities at local levels.
"Negotiated Rulemaking Reaches Policy Goals, Limits Unintended Consequences"
Occupational Safety & Health Reporter, vol. 35 no. 39, 2005. Co-author.
“United Nations Treaty Facilitators: A proposal to improve environmental treaty making"
Innovations in International Environmental Negotiations, v. 12, 2003. Lead author.